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That "evil" MCC in my supplements

Many customers heard and even voiced serious complaints and anger regarding "The dreaded Microcrystaline cellulose."

I would like to resolve this issue for you. I will explain what MCC is and why you should not be scared of this product.

MCC is Micro crystaline Cellulose, or if you do not speak Long latin names; refined wood pulp.

If you ever want to make your own MCC and taste what it tastes like; walk down to your local park, pull a piece of bark off of the nearest oak tree, scrape the inside of the bark and pop it in your mouth. This is what MCC is... Which begs the question, WHY IS TREE BARK IN MY SUPPLEMENT?

Tree Stump

This was a decision that was made in the early 80s, previous to the 80s most manufacturing plants had very slow moving machines and were not investing in speed processing. After the 80s it was all about the speed, However a problem occured. When you incorporate speed, you have to keep things cool and firm. A firm powder is a powder you can rely on. When a product starts to heat up , it becomes gummy or sticky. This causes delays, foul smells and can destory machines, if they are not kept clean and cool.

Mother Nature once again saved the day!

This was solved though by grinding down tree bark into a fine fine powder, this powder prevents sticking and gumming. This was a great advance! Products could be run dry and quickly, which brought production costs down.


There were some rumors going around early in 2012 that MCC was a potentially dangerous material. This is TRUE however according to a credible pharmaceutical website (1) the dosages that you find in encapsulated products are no where near high enough to affect one negatively. Those Negative reactions would be a lack of absorbption of nutrients and diareahh, however the dosages necessary to cause these are extremelly high.

In fact a major international pharmaceutical corporation is quoted as saying "As Microcrystalline Cellulose is widely known as safe, there is no limit on dosage of intake" (2).

So what does this mean? You are perfectly safe to intake MCC in your capsules and tablets, unless you are choosing to snort MCC by the kilo, and go on a scarface style rant around your villa, you are going to be just fine.



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